====== Using Eclipse for SavaPage Development ====== > This is a guide for SavaPage Development Partners on how to install and configure Eclipse IDE for SavaPage development. **Status** : reviewed/approved ====== Installation ====== Download latest stable version of [[https://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers]]. cd ~/applications tar -zxvf eclipse-jee-2019-03-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz # Ubuntu 16.04, Trisquel 8.0, ... tar -zxvf eclipse-jee-2020-06-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz | **Important** | Eclipse-2020-06 (SWT requires GTK 3.20.0) is **not** compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 (GTK 3.18.9). | # libgtk check on Ubuntu 20.04.1 rijk@sperwer:~$ dpkg -s libgtk-3-0 | grep '^Version' Version: 3.24.20-0ubuntu1 ===== Marketplace ===== Install from Eclipse Marketplace: * **Checkstyle** Plug-in * Make Checkstyle //active// for every Java project project. * Use built-in ''Sun Checks - (Global)'' coding convention for all Java projects. * **SpotBugs** Eclipse Plugin (formerly known as FindBugs) * //Run automatically// for every Java project. * **Jaspersoft Studio** * **Bash Editor** ====== Configure ====== ===== Show Hidden Files ===== In the package explorer, in the upper right corner of the view, there is a little icon with tool tip text "View Menu". From that menu, select "Filters and Customization". On the "Pre-set filters" tab, uncheck ''.* resources''. ===== Compiler compliance level ===== Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler * JDK compliance -> Compiler compliance level: ''1.8'' ===== Installed JREs ===== Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs * Check that OpenJDK 8 or higher is selected. ^ Important | Make sure the openjdk source package is installed, so its Javadoc is available in Eclipse. | # if openjdk-11 is installed, then ... sudo apt install openjdk-11-source ===== JPA Validation ===== To prevent "Duplicate generator defined in this persistence unit" messages: Select Window -> Preferences -> Java Persistence ->JPA -> Errors/Warnings Under "Queries and generators" mark "Duplicate generator defined" as ''Ignore''. ===== Java Code Style ===== ==== Formatter ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter * Press the 'Import...' button. * Select ''savapage-make/eclipse/CodeFormatterProfileJava.xml''. ==== Code Templates ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Types * Press the 'Edit' button. * Change your name in the generated comment from ''@author ${user}'' to ''@author Your Name''. ===== JavaScript Code Style ===== ==== Formatter ==== Select Window -> Preferences. Select JavaScript, or Web -> HTML Files -> Client-side JavaScript. Select Code Style -> Formatter * Press the 'Import...' button. * Select ''savapage-make/eclipse/CodeFormatterProfileJavaScript.xml''. ===== Editors ===== ==== Text ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors Check the following items: * Displayed tab width: ''4'' * Insert spaces for tabs * Show print margin * Print margin column: ''80'' * Show line numbers * Show whitespace characters * Configure visibility * show spaces as dots * do not show Carriage Return and Line Feed ==== XML ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor * Select: indent using spaces * Indentation size: 4 * Note: when Indentation size cannot be set (known Eclipse bug) open with a text editor this file in your workspace folder: ''.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.prefs'' and change/add ''indentationSize=4'' * Unselect : Format comments ==== Java ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Save Actions //Not applicable in Eclipse 2019-03 (4.11.0) ?// * Select checkboxes and press "Formatter" button. * On "Code Organizing" tab check "Remove trailing whitespace" and "Correct indentation" . //Eclipse 2020-06// * [x] Additional actions ==== CSS ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> Web -> CSS Files -> Editor * Line width: 72 * Enable "Insert line break between properties" * Enable "Insert whitespace between selectors" * Enable "Disable wrapping in sty;e attribute of HTML" * Select "Indent using tabs" * Capitalization style: all "Lowercase" ==== HTML ==== Select Window -> Preferences -> Web -> HTML Files -> Editor * Line width: 72 * Disable "Split multiple attributes each on a new line" * Disable "Align final bracket in multi-line elements tags" * Disable "Clear all blank lines" * Select "Indent using tabs" * Remove Inline Elements like `a`, `li`, `td`, `th`, `br`, `input`, `label`, `select` ... * Tag names: Lowercase * Attribute names: Lowercase ===== Maven ===== Maven is integrated into Eclipse, but the central repository index needs to be rebuild, so we can select dependencies. Select Window -> Show View -> Other * Type "Maven" in filter, select "Maven Repositories" and press "Open". * In the "Maven" tab Expand "Global Repositories". * Right-click on "central" and select "Rebuild Index". Also set up index to update on Eclipse start-up. * Select Window -> Preferences -> Maven * Check "Download repository index updates on startup". | **Problem**: Rebuild Index does not have any effect. \\ **Solution**: Delete your cached index. It is somewhere in workspace\ .metadata\ .plugins\org.eclipse.m2e.core\nexus (just delete the entire content of the nexus-folder). See stackoverflow [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37749785/eclipse-maven-m2e-doesnt-search-or-download-from-central|37749785]] and [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7065478/classic-error-unable-to-update-index-for-centralhttp-repo1-maven-org-maven2|7065478]]. | ====== Projects ====== | ** Prerequisite** | All relevant repositories are cloned into ''~/savapage/repos/'' as explained in the "Getting started" section of ''[[https://gitlab.com/savapage/savapage-make/-/blob/develop/README.md|savapage-make/README.md]]''. | | **Important** | To contribute code, fork/clone the target SavaPage repositories. Edit/commit in ''develop'' branch, and create Merge Requests to push changes upstream. | ===== savapage-make ===== Create ''savapage-make/.project'' file ... savapage-make ... and import this project via "Import -> General -> Existing Projects" into Workspace. ==== thirdparty ==== Download/install thirdparty files in addition to SavaPage. cd ~/savapage wget https://www.savapage.org/download/development/thirdparty-savapage-fonts.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz ===== Maven projects ===== Add each Maven project with: File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects. For each project, select the project in the Project Explorer and select the project properties. * -> Checkstyle : enable "Checkstyle active for this project". * "Simple - use the following check configuration for all files: ''Sun Checks -(Global)'' * -> SpotBugs : enable "Run automatically". ==== savapage-core ==== Select the savapage-core project, right-click and select from main menu: Run As -> Run Configurations... and Right-click on "Java Application". ---- Select "New Configuration" and enter the following on tab "Main": | Name | AppDb | | Main class | org.savapage.core.cli.AppDb | On tab "Arguments" enter the following "Program Arguments": * ''${string_prompt}'' \\ On tab "Arguments" enter the following "VM arguments": -Dserver.home=${project_loc}/../savapage-server/server.home -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${project_loc}/../savapage-server/server.home/lib/log4j.properties ---- Select "New Configuration" and enter the following on tab "Main": | Name | App | | Main class | org.savapage.core.cli.server.App | On tab "Arguments" enter the following "Program Arguments": * ''${string_prompt}'' \\ On tab "Arguments" enter the following "VM arguments": -Dserver.home=${project_loc}/../savapage-server/server.home -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${project_loc}/../savapage-server/server.home/lib/log4j.properties ---- === Fonts === Embed fonts: cd ~/savapage/repos/savapage-core cd src/main/java/org/savapage/core/fonts/ mkdir truetype # copy font directories from thirdparty cp -r ~/savapage/thirdparty-savapage/fonts/savapage/0.9.7/* truetype/ ---- === Java Build Path === * Open the ''savapage-core'' project properties * Select the "Java Build Path -> Source" -> ''savapage-core/src/main/java'' source folder. * Make sure ''Included: (All)'' and ''Excluded: (None)'' is selected. In this way XML and PNG and .properties files used in the Jasper Reports will be present in the ''Output folder'', as needed for testing in the Eclipse environment. * Select the "Java Build Path -> Source" -> ''savapage-core/src/main/resources'' source folder. * Make sure ''Included: (All)'' and ''Excluded: (None)'' is selected. In this way the Hibernate ''META-INF/persistence.xml'' files will be present in the ''Output folder'', as needed for testing in the Eclipse environment. | **Beware** | Java Build Path settings might be (bug?) overwritten when performing a "Maven -> Update project" action. | | **Note** | Also see ''savapage-server'' build path problems. | ==== savapage-server ==== * Copy ''savapage-make/eclipse/server.home.template'' to ''savapage-server/server.home''. * Follow the instructions in the ''savapage-make/eclipse/server.home.template.md'' file. Select the savapage-server project, right-click and select from main menu: Run As -> Run Configurations... Right-click on "Java Application", select "New Configuration" and enter the following on tab "Main": | Name | WebServer | | Main class | org.savapage.server.WebServer | On tab "Arguments" enter the following "VM arguments": -Dserver.home=${project_loc}/server.home -Dclient.home=${project_loc}/client.home -Dwicket.configuration=development -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${project_loc}/server.home/lib/log4j.properties -Dcom.sun.management.config.file=${project_loc}/server.home/jmxremote.properties -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.io.tmpdir=${project_loc}/server.home/tmp | **Java-11** | As explained in ''java --help-extra'' add ''--illegal-access=debug'' as first line to "VM arguments". This will write a stack-trace to stdout so "Illegal reflective access warnings" can be pinpointed. Add ''--add-opens jdk.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED'' as second line. | | **Note** | Use ''-Dwicket.configuration=deployment'' if you want to run in deployment mode. | === Java Build Path === * Open the "savapage-server" project properties * Select the "Java Build Path" **IMPORTANT** * To test the ''savapage-ext-*'' projects, their ''target/classes'' folders must be added ("Add Class Folder...") to the "Java Build Path -> Libraries" of the `savapage-server` project. * To test the ''savapage-i18n-*'' projects, their ''target/classes'' folders must be added ("Add Class Folder...") to the "Java Build Path -> Libraries" of the ''savapage-server'' project. **IMPORTANT** : * Select the "Java Build Path -> Source" -> ''savapage-server/src/main/java'' source folder. * Make sure ''Included: (All)'' and ''Excluded: (None)'' is selected. In this way the Wicket ''*.html'' files will be present in the ''Output folder'', as needed for testing in the Eclipse environment. * As an alternative you can also add ''%%**%%/*.html'' to the ''Included'' section (where ''%%*%%*/*.java'' most probably is already present) * Beware: this setting might be (when?) overwritten when performing a "Maven -> Update project" action. | **Note** | Also see build ''savapage-core'' path problems. | Create directory ''savapage-server/client.home/'' and copy ''SAVAPAGE.ppd'' to it. ---- === log4j === Copy content from ''savapage-make/setup-template/savapage/server/lib/log4j.properties'' to ''savapage-server/server.home/lib/log4j.properties'' and add/replace: # ... ### log messages to stdout ### log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m [%t]%n log4j.appender.stdout.encoding=UTF8 # ... log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, file, stdout # ... # end-of-file ---- === server.properties === Copy content from: ''savapage-make/setup-template/savapage/server/server.properties'' to ''savapage-server/server.home/server.properties'', and: * Modify the IP Port numbers (http, https, raw print) * Optionally change other values. server.port=8080 server.ssl.port=8443 server.print.port.raw=9101 ==== savapage-client ==== Create directory ''savapage-client/client.home/'' with the following files: * ''client.home/log4j.properties'' * see snippet below * ''client.home/app/config/client.properties'' * Copy from ''savapage-make/setup-template/savapage/client/app/config/client.properties'' and edit ''server-host'', ''server-port'' and optionally other values. ### direct log messages to stdout ### log4j.appender.Stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.Stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.Stdout.layout.conversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m [%t]\n ### direct messages to file ### log4j.appender.file=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.file.MaxFileSize=10MB log4j.appender.file.MaxBackupIndex=10 log4j.appender.file.File=${app.home}/logs/client.log log4j.appender.file.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m [%t]%n log4j.appender.file.encoding=UTF8 ### log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, Stdout, file ### log4j.logger.org.savapage=WARN #log4j.logger.org.eclipse.jetty=DEBUG #log4j.logger.org.cometd=DEBUG # end-of-file Select the savapage-client project, right-click and select from main menu: Run As -> Run Configurations... Right-click on "Java Application", select "New Configuration" and enter the following on tab "Main": | Name | ClientApp | | Main class | org.savapage.client.ClientApp | On tab "Arguments" enter the following "Program Arguments": * ''${string_prompt}'' \\ On tab "Arguments" enter the following "VM arguments": -Dapp.home=${project_loc}/client.home -Dapp.name=savapage-client -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${project_loc}/client.home/log4j.properties ==== savapage-util ==== Select the savapage-util project, right-click and select from main menu: Run As -> Run Configurations... Right-click on "Java Application", select "New Configuration" and enter the following on tab "Main": | Name | AppUtil | | Main class | org.savapage.util.App | On tab "Arguments" enter the following "Program Arguments": * ''${string_prompt}'' \\ On tab "Arguments" enter the following "VM arguments": -Dserver.home=${project_loc}/../savapage-server/server.home -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${project_loc}/../savapage-server/server.home/lib/log4j.properties ====== Running and Debugging ====== | WebServer | Select "savapage-server" from Project Explorer and press F11 | | ClientApp | Select "savapage-client" from Project Explorer and press F11 | | App | Select "savapage-core" from Project Explorer -> Run Configurations -> Java Application -> App -> Run | | AppDb | Select "savapage-core" from Project Explorer -> Run Configurations -> Java Application -> AppDb -> Run | ====== Database Tooling ====== ===== Squirrel ===== Download/install from http://www.squirrelsql.org/ * Select ALL optional plug-ins. ==== Configure Drivers ==== Open the "Drivers" view and configure each driver used. **Apache Derby** : * Select "Apache Derby Embedded", right-click and select "Modify driver..." * Select "Extra Class Path" tab and Add the .jar file from the ''.m2'' directory that corresponds with the ''derby.version'' in the ''savapage-core/pom.xml''file. For example: * ''~/.m2/repository/org/apache/derby/derby/'' **PostgreSQL** : * Select "PostgreSQL", right-click and select "Modify driver..." * Select "Extra Class Path" tab and Add the .jar file from the ''.m2'' directory that corresponds with the ''derby.version'' in the ''savapage-core/pom.xml''file. For example: * ''~/.m2/repository/org/postgresql/postgresql/42.2.14/postgresql-42.2.14.jar'' ==== Add Databases ==== Open the "Aliases" View and "Create a New Alias" for your databases. For example: ^ Name ^ Driver ^ URL ^ User Name ^ Password ^ Auto Logon ^ | savapage-dev-derby | Apache Derby Embedded | jdbc:derby:[absolute-path-to]/savapage-server/server.home/data/internal/Derby | | | Y | | savapage-dev-postgres | PostgreSQL | jdbc:postgresql:%%//%%localhost/your-db-name | user | password | Y | https://www.savapage.org/download/design/savapage-database-schema-1.10.pdf