Table of Contents




Android Print Service

SavaPage Android Print App is a great alternative now Google pulled the plug on Google Cloud Print.

Chrome OS Print Support

Now that Google offers Chrome OS support for IPP users can easily add a SavaPage (Internet) printer on their Chromebook.

IPP Routing

IPP routing is an option to automatically route an IPP Print to a Proxy Printer. An additional plug-in allows you to add header and footer text, and a QR code image.

RESTful Web Service

A RESTful API is added to the existing XML-RPC and JSON-RPC web services.

2-Step Verification

Users are prompted to enter their verification code at Web App Login after they enabled 2-Step Verification. Optionally the code can be send to their Telegram ID.

Database Upgrade

This application version implements database version 1.10. Depending on your database type, run the SQL script below to upgrade from a previous application with database version 1.9.

Database Script
Apache Derby upg-1.10.sql
PostgreSQL upg-1.10.sql

Run the command below as explained in the User Manual.

# 1.9 -> 1.10
./savapage-db --db-run-script upg-1.10.sql

Important: Run this script once. Running it a second time will produce an SQL error.


See for details.


