

See https://issues.savapage.org for details.

  • 1226 : Make Keycloak OAuth realm path configurable.
  • 1228 : Add Office365 OAuth2 IMAP.
  • 1230 : Add RESTful API for Reports.
  • 1231 : Add user column to account transaction report.
  • 1233 : Add RESTFul API for Financial.
  • 1235 : Add security.txt.
  • 1237 : Enhance POS Sales Swipe Card area with password entry field.
  • 1238 : Add option to accept driverless PDF with font issues.
  • 1239 : Show relation between Accounts and Groups in list items.
  • 1240 : Add Quick Search for User ID in Transfer Funds.
  • 1241 : Add copy buttons in Internet Printer dialog.
  • 1243 : Select Printer in IPP Routing dialog.
  • 1244 : Store IPP options of driver printed SafePages.
  • 1246 : FastPrint with IPP options of PostScript printed SafePages.
  • 1248 : Expand RESTful documents/print.
  • 1249 : Add Print confirmation option for User Web App.
  • 1252 : Add internal IPP extension for requesting-user-name.
  • 1253 : Add option to hide collate checkbox in print dialog.
  • 1182 : Upgrade java dependencies.
  • 1183 : Upgrade Jetty web server and servlet container.
  • 1224 : Allow to proceed install with unanticipated x64 uname.
  • 1225 : Customize PaperCut Delegated Print Accounting comment.
  • 1229 : Add reset option to continue session in new browser tab.
  • 1234 : Change Visitor Edition settings.
  • 1242 : Extend User Quick Search in POS Deposit.
  • 1254 : Extend RESTful admin service /financial/account/balance.
  • 1227 : Fix Printer SNMP marker error.
  • 1232 : Fix custom user authentication.
  • 1245 : Decode RAW Print PostScript escaped Unicode title.
  • 1247 : Jetty CVE-2024-22201.
  • 1250 : Fix recurring message about invalid PDF.
  • 1251 : Fix inconsistent cache of PPD Extension File.
  • 1256 : Fix CUPS printer class dependency on first member.
  • 1257 : Fix inactive (dead) of systemd savapage.service.
  • release_notes/release_notes_1.5.0.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 21:37
  • by rijk