
Welcome to SavaPage! Our community unites people who are interested in Open Printing in general and SavaPage Open Print Portal in particular. The mission and vision of our journey is as follows:

Mission Produce Open Printing Solutions with Free and Open Source Software.
Vision A World where People & Planet enjoy a sustainable Open Printing Experience.

You are cordially invited to sign up to our Community Forum. If you installed SavaPage Open Print Portal as part of your printing solution, you are invited to subscribe to our software as Community Resident.

Please feel free to contact us if you have suggestions or comments. All feedback is appreciated and will be rewarded with a gracious response.

Rijk Ravestein, Community Manager

SavaPage is a Free Print Portal Solution that uses Open Standards and Commodity Hardware for Secure Pull-Printing, Pay-Per-Print, Delegated Print, Job Ticketing, Auditing and PDF Creation.

SavaPage is OSI Certified Open Source Software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The installation binary and user manual are available for download.

Although SavaPage is Free Software, it is not a “free” product. Free software is a matter of liberty, not price, and SavaPage fits into this picture by being a Libre solution supported by Software Subscription.

Datraverse acts as Legal Steward and is committed to a sustainable and fair business model where Community Partners and Translators deliver the solution to Resident members. Residents are subscription holders entitled to vote for features and use ready-to-install Software Packages as published by Datraverse in corporation with Development Partners.

Datraverse ensures that subscription revenues are shared among Development Partners and Translators proportional to their efforts. In addition, Deployment Partners deploy the software solution to Residents, and offer services like on-site installation and support, on their own account as independent third-party.

There are paid part-time/some-time vacancies for motivated Open Source Developers to grow into a sustainable Development Partner. Please send your motivation and professional resume to Lead Developer Rijk Ravestein .

Interested in becoming a SavaPage Community Partner? Read the Call for Participation.

Dutch Linux User Group
  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/03/02 10:53
  • by rijk